Oxidative Stress

Mice, and more than 1500 other species tested to date, when fed a nutrient rich, calorie-restricted diet develop fewer diseases as they age, and experience greater longevity than their normally fed counterparts.  Early evidence suggests that humans might expect similar results.  Why?  The answer lies, in part, with the formation of free radicals.

Oxidation is the process of removing electrons from an atom or molecule, generating highly reactive molecules known as free radicals.  When oxygen and other oxidizing agents generate free radicals from the molecules of cells, they are rendered useless.  Therefore, life requires defenses against the ravages of excessive free radicals.  Free radical scavengers, known as antioxidants, mop up the majority of free radicals.  Oxidative stress develops when free radicals overwhelm the body.  Free radicals are implicated in most aging-related diseases, including atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, cataracts, osteoarthritis, and immune deficiency. 

Normal metabolism, simply eating and breathing, generates most free radicals.  Overeating, smoking and environmental toxins, prolonged stress, excessive sunshine, over-exercising, and infections generate still more free radicals.

Preventing aging-related diseases begins by preventing excess free radical generation.  Take steps to avoid excessive sunshine, smoking, over-exercising, pesticides and chemicals.  Reduce calorie consumption, focusing on nutrient-rich calorie-poor foods and avoiding starches and sweets.  Engage in stress-reduction activities and seek balance in life.  The second step is to boost antioxidant intake.  Eat more brightly colored fruits and vegetables, and drink green tea.  Consider supplementation with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, and grapeseed extract.  Finally, a physician trained in preventive-aging medicine can optimize your efforts.

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