Are you having trouble losing weight? Weight loss initiatives can often fall flat due to a lack of direction and support. At Le Papillon Wellness & Aesthetics, we provide weight loss treatments and guidance to help you shed those extra pounds. If you’re struggling with excess weight, get in touch with our office here in Pullman, WA, to get the help you deserve.
What Causes Excess Weight?
Although there can be genetic factors involved, excess weight generally builds up when we consume more calories than we use. These calories are stored for later use as energy, and if not used, they sit in the body as fat. The best way to lose weight is to usually expend more energy than you consume through exercise and the proper weight-loss diet. Unfortunately, this is rarely as easy as it sounds.
What Are the Treatment Options?
Here at Le Papillon Wellness & Aesthetics, we provide personalized weight loss programs to help you reach your goals. Once we’ve gotten to know you, we can make recommendations to help you reduce the appearance of unwanted fat on your body, lower your health risk profile, improve your habits, and get you to a healthier place.
What to Expect
Weight loss begins with you, but it doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor. When you work with our team, we will make every effort to help you reach your goals. Our weight loss program involves monitoring your blood pressure, addressing joint pain, improving your sleep, and more. With every follow-up visit, we will adjust your plan as needed to help you maintain your look and your health.
Schedule Treatments for Excess Weight
If you are struggling with your weight, we can help you reach your goals. Our programs are personalized to help you every step of the way. Get in touch by filling out and submitting the form below or calling (208) 425-BHRT.