Men’s Symptoms Questionnaire – Andropause

Answering “YES” to 2 or more questions in the questionnaire section may suggest decreased hormone levels and Low T.


  • Have you lost your drive?
  • Have you lost your edge?
  • Have you lost confidence?
  • Have you lost motivation?
  • Are you gaining weight?
  • Are you tired?
  • Are you losing muscle mass?
  • Do you have night sweats
  • Do you have poor sleep


  • Do you lack a sex drive?
  • Is your performance a problem?
  • Do you have erectile dysfunction?
  • Do you find it difficult to maintain or sustain an erection?
  • Do you sometimes not wake-up with a morning erection?  


  • Do you feel anxious?
  • Are you irritable or moody?
  • Are you depressed?
  • Do you have poor concentration (brain fog) 
  • Do you feel like you have memory Loss


  • Have you noticed “man boobs”? (Gynecomastia)
  • Do you have more joint pains or inure yourself more easily?

Answering “YES” to 2 or more questions in the questionnaire section may suggest decreased hormone levels.  

Many men will start to have symptoms of low testosterone (low T) in their 30’s. Low T can decrease your lifespan and cause a host of medical problems such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and Alzheimers.   

Cozy green couch


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